Clint Cotten
The Crape Myrtle Guy
3121 Clover Lane
Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Phone: (972) 935-2968

I'm Clint Cotten and I grow, sell, and ship plants and trees from my backyard nursery.
Every plant I sell comes with my personal Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.
Have you researched other online sellers? Have you noticed most do not include their name or address?
You can always contact me. I am a am a school teacher but will normally return your call, text, chat, or email almost immediately.
Crape Myrtle Gardening
Amazon $9.99
Almost 200 pages crape myrtle images
Crape Myrtle Gardening: Summer color with minimum investment. What works with crape myrtles!
Landscaping and Gardening Series